Hannah Katherine Studios, Inc. » Blog

I don’t say this often, but I walked away from this precious sister session so encouraged as a mother. I mean, these two GET ALONG. They like each other, a lot. It was adorable. It was really inspiring, because so often I see this unspoken message that is just normal for kids to bicker constantly and that we just just resign ourselves to it. But Addie and Hope LIKE each other. And it’s not because they are really laid back- they have vastly different personalities- they just have a mom who has been intentional about teaching them to enjoy each other. Of course, it’s not 100% of the time. But it is a lot more than most. So, I am inspired. Inspired to sign back up and be intentional with my babies. It is possible.


Note: The image of both girls in the tree is a composite image- we had spotters directly behind & in front of them. Never, ever, ever, EVER put a child at risk to get “the shot”.

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This girl. I mean, WHAT?!

First of all, she is one of the most mature, level-headed, sarcastically hilarious seniors I have ever met. There was a lot of laughing on this shoot. Second of all: she is gorgeous! She has that ridiculously classic beauty. Oh, and out of anyone I have ever met, she would be the one that is secretly in the CIA. She plans to go into the medical field – which also makes sense: calmest teenager I have ever seen under pressure. Love her. Just love her.

Hair/Makeup: Crystal Foley of Crysalis Salon in Midland

Special thanks to Nadia Dubose for letting us use her lovely home’s exterior.


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